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Visual Stress - Did You Know?

We're sharing some key information about Visual Stress...

Recognising Visual Stress

Signs of possible Visual Stress include trouble reading and describing words as jumping off the page or appearing jumbled. Children may not realise this isn't how everyone sees and think this is normal for them. However reading aids available for Visual Stress can help alleviate these symptoms. Our Optometrist Fiona has seen first hand how coloured overlays have vastly improved reading speed for our patients.

What happens during a Visual Stress Consultation

Our full Visual Stress Consultation includes two 40 minutes appointments with Optician Fiona at our Troon practice. We take a baseline of reading speed and how many word/lines are missed. Then depending on history and symptoms, Fiona will complete testing for the solution she feels will be of the most benefit - coloured overlays, tinted glasses or coloured clip-ons.

Do coloured glasses and overlays need to be the same colour?

Not always. Specialist assessments are carried out to determined the exact shade of colour that will help. These tests are all different, and so you could have an overlay a certain colour and tinted lenses that are a different shade. Fiona has complete extra training to be able to complete these assessments.

Do you need to have prescription glasses to use tinted lenses?

No, even if you require no prescription glasses, tinted lenses can still be prescribed to you. We rule out any other factors, like the need for a prescription, before we refer you to our Visual Stress Clinic. If you already have prescription glasses, these can be tinted to the colour required.

Research has shown up to 20% of people suffer from Visual Stress. If you want any more information, or to make an appointment for a Visual Stress Consultation please contact our team at Troon.

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